Monday 10 September 2012

Vac formed crow mask

My first ever mask back from first year of university.

First you sculpt your mask, this is achieved much easier by sculpting on to a head cast like I have done so in the pictures.I chose to sculpt a crow mask. 

Here you can see I started adding detail onto the beak like claw marks and a crack, this gives my mask a little bit of personality. (Remember if your vac forming your mask to make these details very deep, and big enough so that it show more on the final piece) 

My vac formed mask- bad picture I know....

Then I started decorating the mask with these really pretty shells.

To be completed....

Thursday 30 August 2012

Other accessories and props I can make: 

  •  Pregnancy Suits
  •  Fur Creatures 
  •  Prosthetic Limbs & Features (noses, ears etc.)
  •  Weapons
  •  Costumes
  •  Puppets
  •  Masks
  •  Muscle Padding
  •  Fat Suits
The list goes on and throughout Uni I plan to add more to this list. 
Thought I would add a few photos of the puppet that I made at university. It was a full scale disabled elderly man that was supposed to look somewhat like an American eagle. He is created from an abundant amount of latex, fabric, hair and paint. I love his little creepy face.

Ok, maybe he is very creepy. But I still love him. There are more images of him here.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

My Name is Chloe and I am a student at the London College of Fashion. Recently, I have been getting into Cosplay and since my course involves creature creation and alteration of the body I feel this is the right way to go.  I have never made a blog before and all this is a ickle bit confusing so bear with me : D

The first cosplay I created was Annie & Tibbers from The league of legends, which I am so proud of despite some flaws. To see this there should be a little link above.

Thanks and goodnight for tonight,